Friday, July 6, 2012

Letters: A Gift that Keeps on Giving

I wrote last year about unexpectedly being reunited with some old letters from my mother.  Well, recently I've been doing some cleaning out and "purging".  I came across a collection of letters that I've saved over the recent past.  Many were some from my sons.  It was SO nice to re-read them and think about them at younger ages.  I could imagine them looking for a card or trying to make a card for me for a particular occasion.  In some of the longer letters son #1 talks about his plans at that time in his life.  Things didn't quite follow that plan but he seems to have dealt well with the twists and turns of life. Those same little boys still live within the men they've become - just buried a bit under their adult lives, responsibilities and concerns.  I'm glad to have those letters to re-read just as I'm glad to have the letters from my parents.  They're truly a gift that gives over and over and over.

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